Our Philosophy
At AVC Partners, we bring billion-dollar strategic, operating and investing skills to $5-$15 million EBITDA businesses. We do so with an unrelenting focus on strategy, operations, customers, people and financial capability development. We believe it is our purpose to help owners build great teams, sustainable organizations and to increase the velocity of value creation within the business. This is our commitment and we remain personally involved to see it through.
We define the key principles of successfully increasing velocity of value creation as:
√ Process Dictates Outcome. Robust, open processes result in successful approaches to difficult problems.
√ True Partnership With Management. Our goal is an egoless search for the best possible answers. This approach fosters open and frank communication.
√ Clear Goals Collectively Identified, Articulated And Measured. Data, not conjecture, drives decisions.
√ Early Success Sets The Tone. Short-term and long-term success requires implementing systematic change and transformation.
√ Clear Accountability across investors and the leadership team.
√ Continual focus on Equity Value Creation every quarter.